Next: Villiers Quartet

Villiers Quartet

Katie Stillman (violin), Tamaki Higashi (violin), Carmen Flores (viola) and Leo Melvin (cello)

Sunday 13 October at 3.00pm

Music by Haydn, Vivian Fung and Beethoven

Click here for more info

Full-year membership application form (UK taxpayers only)

Click here to print this form.

Name          ___________________________________

Address       ___________________________________________________________________


Tel           ___________________________________

E-mail        ___________________________________

No.   Category        Subscription     Name(s) (if different from above)    Cost

___   Full member(s)  £95 each         _____________________________        _______



___   Student(s)      £15 each         _____________________________        _______



      Donation                                                              _______

      Total                                                                 _______

I pay UK income tax and/or CGT and would like the club to reclaim tax
on this donation through Gift Aid.

Signed   ___________________________   Date  ______________

Applications to:

    Membership Secretary
    Worcester Concert Club
    56 Tunnel Hill
    WR4 9SD


 - this application form,
 - a cheque made payable to 'Worcester Concert Club' and
 - a stamped addressed envelope